excerpt from:
"Exploring the Emotional Depths of the Homogenic Dimension of Disease"
Rudi Verspoor
Heilkunst 1.1, June 1999

Dr. Elmiger’s sequential approach, which is based on the insights of Hering and Kent into the directional principles of cure in nature, I initially applied more or less as he had: using single doses in ascending potency for a given shock, whether physical or emotional. The emphasis in Dr. Elmiger’s cases and practice seemed to be on the physical shocks, such as vaccinations, drugs and viral infections, as well as accidents and surgical interventions. Emotional shocks were clearly considered, but as fairly distinct events in the timeline of the patient.

This seemed to work well in most of my initial cases. However, two things emerged. First my wife, Patty Smith, and I gradually came to realise that emotional shocks played a more dominant role in most cases than could be dealt with using single doses for discrete events. Increasingly, we saw that most of the health problems of the patient could be traced to extensive emotional shocks. While physical shocks were important, they paled beside the impact of the emotional traumas in their contribution to the patient’s condition. The proportion seems to be roughly 20 per cent physical and 80 per cent mental-emotional.

This power of stresses at the mental and emotional level to weigh down the Life Force to the point of disease generation, is brought out vividly by Hahnemann in his Chronic Diseases:

…yea, an innocent man can, with less injury to his life, pass ten years in bodily torments…rather than pass some months in all bodily comfort in an unhappy marriage or with a remorseful conscience. A psora slumbering within, which still allows the favourite of a prince to live with the appearance of almost blooming health unfolds quickly into a chronic ailment of the body, or distracts his mental organs into insanity, when by a change of fortune he is hurled from his brilliant pinnacle and is exposed to contempt and poverty. The sudden death of a son causes the tender mother, already in ill health, an incurable suppuration of the lungs or a cancer of the breast. A young, affectionate maiden, already hysterical, is thrown into melancholy by a disappointment in love.

For us, this discovery came about simply from an analysis of the patient’s case, where emotional events either dominated the case history, or in the actual treatment, where the removal of emotional shocks produced the greatest removal of symptoms and changes in behaviour and/or circumstances. The patients also generally had a sense that their conditions were more related to emotional events than physical ones.

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